Friday, September 5, 2008


The Bumbo is one of the greatest things that was invented. We just got one yesterday and tried it out. The boys love it. While we were trying it out Aaron was watching a football game Wesley was really trying hard to watch the game. Definetly his father's son. :)

People (MOM AND BECKY) have requested that I put which baby is which. Soooo..The first 4 pictures are Brian and the baby watching the TV is Wesley. :)


Anonymous said...

Wow! I have 4 of the cutest grandsons ever. These two on this blog are definitely so adorable too. Aaron and Robin did a good job. I have renewed intense respect for them being able to take care of the twins. Perhaps it's mine and Grandma Doran's age. Handling those babies seems to be a bit more challenging. Perhspas it's the fact that they're twins. Regardless, that's where my renewed respect for the twins' parents comes from. Hang in there, Toot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy them while they're young, for one day they grow up and fly off to be on their own.